KNH has continuously upgraded its facilities in order to meet the increased demand for quality specialized healthcare.
Centre for Kidney Diseases and Organ Transplantation
The project is aimed at expanding the existing renal unit to provide adequate infrastructure to handle kidney, liver, including other organs’ transplants and provide training and research opportunities. It is supported by a state-of-the-art HLA Lab for donor and recipient matching.
The centre has two transplant theatres, a post-recovery room, and two wards, each containing six (6) beds for both gender and cloakrooms and funded by the Government of Kenya at a cost of Kshs. 160million.

Zarina Merali Surgical Day Care Centre
This project involves the construction and equipping of a surgical daycare to deal with surgical operations that require a short stay. The objective is to decongest the wards, reduce length of stay of patients in the wards and support health services in the main hospital. The centre has 4 theatres, an endoscopy unit, an electrophysiology room and associated support facilities. The project was partially funded by Merali Foundation in partnership with KNH and GoK. Construction commenced on 15th February 2016 and was handed over in August 2019. The Zarina Merali Surgical Day Care Centre is operational.

KNH Diagnostic and Reporting Centre
The Project was constructed and equipped under the Medical Equipment Supplies (MES) project by the Ministry of Health. The Facility holds one CT Scan with a pax system and a teleradiology hub that can be connected to 37 health care facilities in Kenya. The main aim of this project was to connect the expertise to counties to interpreted radiology scans from other medical facilities.

Microwave Waste Treatment Plant
The project is a solution for treating large volume of clinical waste in a safe and environmentally friendly manner within the Hospital. It also aims to increase the Hospitals stream of revenue by tapping into the growing market of clinical waste disposal within Nairobi. The cost of equipment was Kshs.96million financed by the Ministry of Health and Kshs.14 Million for construction of the microwave housing unit from internally generated funds.