2025/2026 Request for Applications (RFA)
KNH Research Funding
Kenyatta National Hospital recognizes the importance of research as a strategy towards realization of its vision to be “A world class patient centered specialized care Hospital”. In this regard, the hospital has set aside funds to be disbursed through the Medical Research Department to promote research within the hospital.
- KNH Personnel or affiliated to KNH
- Proposal should be original and likely to influence policy or practice
- Setting of the study must be KNH or relevant to KNH
- At least one investigator must be from KNH
Types of projects
- Quality of health care
- Quality Improvement:
- Example- Review of patient management and outcomes of treatment
- Adherence to protocols that influence patient care
- Review of management systems
Applications are not limited to the above and includes non-clinical areas.
Funding available
Awards are Limited to a maximum of ksh.400,000.00
Application Guidelines
- Application letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research concept paper (Maximum 5 Pages double spaced)
- Background
- Objectives
- Methods
- Significance
- Policy implications
- Fulfil Award requirement
NB: Approval of study proposal by KNH UoN Ethics Research Committee is not required during application.
Award requirement
- Letters of support from the KNH department where the study will be conducted.
- Postgraduate students will provide a letter from the chair of their department confirming that they have not received funding from other sources to conduct the study.
Funds Disbursement requirement
- Approval of study proposal by KNH UoN Ethics Research Committee.
- Disbursement shall be in tranches based on progress of the study.
Post-Award Requirements
- Commitment to disseminate results of the study to the hospital.
- Acknowledge KNH in all publications derived from this funding.
- Written approval from the hospital before each and every publication.
- An end of grant report upon completion of the project.
Submission Instructions
Submission Instructions
Submit your application electronically through https://knh.or.ke/index.php/funding-rfa/ the deadline for receiving the applications is 30th June 2025. Please do not hesitate to contact the department if you have any questions on Ext.44705 or Email knhresearchp@knh.or.ke, knhresearch@gmail.com
Dr. John Kinuthia
Director, Training, Research & Innovation Centre
Click the button below to submit your application