The Security and Safety Department (SSD) gathers information on Security incidents occurring within Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) from various Divisions, Departments, and Units. These sources include Members of individual staff, Heads of Departments, Students, Suppliers, Volunteers, and Members of the public. Information can be provided to SSD in writing, by telephone or by directly presenting it to the SSD Offices located within Administration Block opposite the Risk and Internal Audit division, Security Reporting and Inquiries Office located on the 2nd floor of the Old Hospital Building or through the KNH Security and Safety Officers across the hospital.
Contact DetailsThe Contact details are;
TEL.2726300/2726450/2726550 Extension 43744/43644/43338/44622/43912 or Mobile No. 0722237881 ог 0733551500 P.O BOX 20723-00202 NAIROBI
Action on your Information
All Security and Safety Incidents received by SSD undergoes rigorous process of analysis to determine existence of infractions and breaches. In considering how a report is handled and eventually disposed off, the department is guided by the KNH Human Resource and Procedure Manual, Policies and other existing legislation regulating misconduct, Safety, Information and Security, among others.
Actual ReportingIn order for us to serve you better please indicate the date (& time) of the incident, location, object involved or stolen, and the identity of the perpetrator where possible.