Kenyatta National Hospital witnessed greatness in coming together.

Citi Bank in partnership with Toto Care Box, Junior Achievement Kenya and Miti Alliance donated 10 beds towards the Adopt A Bed initiative,665 Toto Care Box package, dignity pack bags and 20 chairs to the labour ward staff on Wednesday, August 24,2022.
The event was graced by KNH Board of Management representative, Dr. Stanley Kamau, EBS who welcomed and thanked the donors for their kind gesture which will go a long way in ensuring that the mothers who come to KNH to welcome their bundle of joy are comfortable and have a positive birth experience.

“At KNH, we strive to give the best health care services to our patients. Our guests partnering today to give dignity during sickness to the patients is much appreciated,” said Dr. Kamau. Citi Bank CEO Mr. Martin Mugambi, emphasized on the need to counter neo-natal mortality rate which as of 2018 stood at 19.6 deaths per live births in Kenya according to the World Health Organization. This, he said was slightly above average but still needed more effort to keep the numbers down.
Toto Care Box CEO Ms. Lucy Kaigutha reiterated the need for dignity in maternal health care which led to the birth of her Toto Care Box
maternity package Apkticket.
“Data shows that if nations and organizations are committed to accelerating progress in reducing child and maternal mortality, they must give more attention to resources around delivering quality care at the time of birth and during the critical day and weeks after birth, and this is why Toto Care Box was born. It is a newborn survival kit that we use as an incentive to encourage women from poor and marginalized communities to attend at least 4 antenatal care visits and deliver in a health facility,” said Ms. Kaigutha.
The package contains an assortment of 18 essential items including a sleeping box that doubles as a crib, waterproof mattress, mosquito net, under sheet, blanket, set of baby clothes, a leso, cotton wool 100g (for mums to cater for post-partum bleeding), 50g cotton wool and surgical spirit for umbilical cord care, water guard, painkillers, tissue paper, 3 reusable nappies, 3 nappy liners, soap, condoms, DTS-Z kit which contains flavored ORS and dispersible Zinc Sulphate tablets combined in one easy-to-use box, a Toto care leaflet among others.
The team later on visited the labor ward led by Ag. Director Nursing Services, Ms. Raheli Mukhwana to demonstrate to the new mothers how to use the packages handed over to them. The mothers appreciated the kind gesture saying it will go a long way in helping them keep their babies healthy.
This came as Citi Bank marked the 17th World Global Community Day whereby Citi volunteers around the world engage in service activities that benefit local communities.