Ushuru Sacco Society Limited has brought warmth to KNH by supporting the #AdoptABed initiative.

Board Chairman KNH, Mr. George Ooko received the team, thanked them for supporting KNH, and welcomed future partnerships.

  “A single bed benefits three patients in a month and hundreds of thousands in the next few years. The new bed designs make patient management easier to the health care workers thus enabling comfortable stay while at the wards.”

KNH CEO, Dr. Evanson Kamuri EBS appreciated the generous donation.

“Our hearts are warm with the support from Ushuru Sacco; when you give you receive more,” said Dr. Kamuri.

Ushuru Sacco CEO Mr. William Pudha, said it is their way of giving back to the society.“The Covid-19 pandemic showed us that there can be scarcity of beds in our hospitals. We are glad to be part of this worthy initiative,” said Mr. Pudha.

 “We appreciate the work you do to the public and the East Africa region at large. Ushuru Sacco is delighted to be part of this initiative,”