On 28th July, we commemorated the World Hepatitis Day 2022 in a successful ceremony and a testing and vaccination drive that saw KNH staff and the public come out in large numbers to get screened for Hepatitis B and our dedicated staff avail themselves to participate in the implementation of the screening, diagnosis, management and vaccination activities that took place. 

It is worth to note that every 30 seconds, someone dies from a viral hepatitis related illness -even in the current COVID-19 crisis. However, with the existing prevention, testing and treatment services that are available, every hepatitis related death is preventable. 

This year’s theme; “Hepatitis can’t wait”; conveys the urgency of efforts needed to eliminate hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030. 

World Hepatitis Day is therefore a great opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of the importance of knowing your hepatitis status and to spread the word about treatment.