The Pain and Palliative Care Unit led by Dr. Esther Nafula held the World Hospice & Palliative Care Day celebrations 2022 at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH)administration lawn under the theme: Healing Hearts & Communities: Improving care forMulti-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR TB) patients.
The event attracted members from the Ministry of Health (MOH), Nairobi Hospice, Kenya Medics Association, Stop TB Partnership Kenya and KNH Palliative Care beneficiaries.
Palliative care plays a key role in improving the quality of life for people affected by serious health problems. Those that have life- limiting illnesses have the right to be cared for in the way that best suits their needs.
Speaking at the event, Dr. J. O. Atina, Head of Unit, Respiratory Infectious Diseases (RIDU) who said pain and palliative care is one of the key multidisciplinary teams
that play a huge role in the care and treatment process of MDR TB. Dr. Nafula emphasized on KNH being the champions for compassionate patients. “We will not shy away from supporting patients with life-threatening and life-limiting illnesses,” she said.
Mrs. Evaline Kibuchi- National Coordinator, Stop TB Partnership Kenya commended KNH efforts for having one of the main DRTB isolation wards. “The wards need to be revamped to create a more homely environment for the patients as they stay here for long periods. Some up to six months” she said. Representing MOH, Ms. Esther Mueni applauded KNH for being at the forefront in the treatment of MDR TB referral patients not only in the country but also across the
borders. Kenya Medics Chief Executive Officer Dr. Brenda Obondo urged everyone to join hands in the care and support of palliative care patients. “We all have an active role
in enhancing the quality of life,” she said.
A grateful Mr. Ibrahim Theuri spoke during the event stating,”Nikiwa isolation ward at KNH kwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja, sikukosa kitu kwa matibabu. Walinihudumia kama dada na ndugu zangu. Nashukuru Palliative Care team sana”, (While at KNH for more than a year, I never missed any treatment process. The staff handled me like my brothers and sisters would. Thank you team KNH Palliative care!)’’. The event was culminated with a cheerful cake cutting session by the Pain and Palliative Care team and invited guests.